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Showing 50 of 77 results with topics: Climate Protection

  • Олександр Мороз
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Інформація для участі у півфіналі HACKATHON RE_ENERGIZE UKRAINE 2024Шановні учасники та учасниці! Вас вітає команда ГО АСР СИНЕРГІЯ! Щиро дякуємо вам за те, що долучилися до відкритих меторських сесій минулого тижня. Прохання уважно ознайомитися з інформацією надісланою у даному листі! Принагідно нагадуємо, що дедлайн завантаження презентацій проєктних ідей - 22.09.2024 о 12.00 за Київським часом, а уже орієнтовно 23-24.09.2024 відбудеться відбір до фіналу Хакатону команд, які отримають можливість індивідуального менторського супроводу від експерток проєкту. Посилання для завантаження презентацій для півфіналу на платформу Civil Society Cooperation тут https://nc.civilsocietycooperation.net/s/c4GqSG6eFZoC62n За даним посиланням у вас є дозвіл лише для завантаження відповідного файлу, без права перегляду. Після завантаження презентації прохання повідомити координаторів проєкту про це, аби ми могли перевірити наявність файлу. Зробити це можна у групі Телеграм (https://t.me/+Yzyt4UU7BeI2OTQy) або електронною поштою ngo_agency@sdasynergy.org Прохання завантажити презентацію у форматі PDF з назвою команди (як зазначено в реєстраційній формі) та прізвищем лідера команди (пр. Солар лайт_Іванов). Шаблон презентації за посиланням https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQuxkEpCE/7Fx5bAHTZsEcAOVdUKygMg/view?utm_content=DAGQuxkEpCE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview Завантажте його для створення свого дизайну проєкту. Шаблон презентації підготовлено відповідно до вимог завдання менторок та погоджено з ними. Презентація повинна містити основні розділи додані до шаблону, однак може бути доповнена або модифікована відповідно до потреб проєкту. Завтра усім учасникам проєкту буде надіслано відео інструкцію по роботі з фінансовою моделлю для розрахунку фінансових показників проєкту. Також на основну сторінку мікросайту Хакатону на платформі Civil Society Cooperation буде розміщено усі основні матеріали Хакатону у розділі новини та в Хмарі. Сьогодні лідери команд отримали персональні запрошення на електронну пошту долучитися до платформи. Перегляньте також папку спам. Після проходження реєстрації ви матимете доступ до усієї актуальної інформації Хакатону. За бажанням запит на приєднання можуть надіслати і інші члени команди. Для бажаючих отримати додаткову консультацію від менторок прохання заповнити форму реєстрації на групові менторські консультації до 18.09.2024 за посиланням https://forms.gle/VYALyb5nKQTurAaeA Консультації буде проведено у форматі запитання-відповідь у четвер-п'ятницю поточного тижня. Шановні учасники, успіхів вам! Чекаємо на ваші креативні проєкти "зелених" енергетичних спільнот. З будь-якими додатковими запитаннями звертайтеся за адресою ngo_agency@sdasynergy.org
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Матеріали відкритої менторської сесії Ксенії Дітчук "Як говорити про проєкт, щоб вас почули інвестори й потенційні партнери"1. Відеозапис відкритої менторської сесії Ксенії Дітчук "Як говорити про проєкт, щоб вас почули інвестори й потенційні партнери" можна переглянути за посиланням https://scalelite-01.wechange.de/playback/presentation/2.3/b07ce3acdf44a82da8a41aa1fea340b933919976-1726225354171 2. Презентація Ксенії Дітчук за посиланням https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KyfQ-4HYi81KnSmipMFn6B3wO1rLDLK6/view?usp=sharing
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Матеріали відкритої менторської сесії Ольги Маліхатко "Залучення фінансування для енергетичних спільнот: від концепції до реалізації"1. Відеозапис відкритої менторської сесії Ольги Маліхатко "Залучення фінансування для енергетичних спільнот: від концепції до реалізації" можна переглянути за посиланням https://scalelite-01.wechange.de/playback/presentation/2.3/fc415c94bb8ecc623e66b5a23cca1f1cbb842980-1726054410784 2. Презентація Ольги Маліхатко за посиланням https://drive.google.com/file/d/15rowBTkJvKJ9syxRh_eFu1PinK4IMb8V/view?usp=sharing
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Матеріали відкритої менторської сесії Касьянової Христини: Фінансове планування як частина бізнес-плануВідеозапис відкритої менторської сесії Касьянової Христини: Фінансове планування як частина бізнес-плану можна переглянути за посиланням - https://scalelite-01.wechange.de/playback/presentation/2.3/4e065c160c82680131c8a2bc2d246dd58effd2ec-1725880596052 Презентація від організаторів за посиланням: https://drive.google.com/file/d/184iqnOc47GgmafMsXqy_xzYTDON7jCOn/view?usp=sharing Презентація Христини Касьянової за посиланням:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1swXnpDjEjpqlHlES_JLSiHuNW5JFbcmg/view?usp=sharing Посилання на посібник зі створення спільнот "зеленої" енергетики тут: https://sdasynergy.org/sites/default/files/sinergiya-posibnik-elektr_21.05.2024.pdf Відеозапис попереднього тренінгу з фінансування проєктів ВДЕ у другій половині запису, що знаходться за посиланням: https://scalelite-01.wechange.de/playback/presentation/2.3/3a7746f1612d147050f4c4c58412c2730a365b87-1689938821675
  • Mariam Avakova Join Mariam's Crowdfunding Campaign Mission: Empowering My Educational JourneyHello, dear Community, I am **Mariam from Georgia,** a participant in Dialogue for Future 2023 and an active member of the WeChange Platform. True to the spirit of our community, I am reaching out to ask for your support in favor of a determined young professional from Tbilisi, seeking additional financial support to pursue my education at the esteemed Hertie School **I've secured a 50% scholarship and launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover tuition and living expenses. ** I am writing to you with both hesitation and hope. Join My **** Crowdfunding Campaign Mission****: Empowering My Educational Journey My campaign aims to support my educational pursuit at the** Hertie School in Berlin**. By contributing, you're not just investing in my future but also fostering progress and knowledge exchange on a global scale from Georgia. Refer to the following Platforms for more information Here are the platforms where you can support: USA GoFundMe: Support Mariam's Educational Journey[ https://gofund.me/74ec6b25](https://gofund.me/74ec6b25) **German** Platform BetterPlace: Unterstütze Mariams Weg an die Hertie School [https://www.betterplace.me/unterstuetze-mariams-weg-an-die-hertie-school](https://www.betterplace.me/unterstuetze-mariams-weg-an-die-hertie-school) I still have a long journey ahead to achieve my goal. Every bit of support, no matter how small, is incredibly meaningful and makes a difference. It's all about the collective effort towards a common goal. Thank you for your support! Your contribution, big or small, will be crucial in helping me achieve this significant milestone. Each donation, whether it's $20, $30, $50, or more, brings me closer to my goal Thank you to those who have already donated, your selfless support is truly appreciated. P.S. I am seeking potential sponsors and investors to consider supporting me by donating to my fundraiser or spreading the word within your network. Your generosity will empower me to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. Let's keep moving forward! Keep pushing forward! Warm regards, Mariam Avakova #EducationFundraiser #SupportEducation #GoFundMeCampaign
  • Merab Dekano
  • Armin Wolf DFF2023 Online EvaluationAs our team is already working on the "Dialogue for Future 2024" conference we would very much like to hear your opinion on the 2023 event in detail. Please, help us to understand, whether the last conference was successful and fill in this anonymous feedback form. It will take you no more than 5 minutes: https://survey.lamapoll.de/Dialog-for-Future-2023_Evaluation Thank you in advance and let's stay in touch! With best wishes from Lidiya Hutnyk, Inna Nelles and the whole "Dialogue for Future" - team
  • Armin Wolf More imagery of the two confernce daysDear members, we have uploaded imagery from both conference days to our website: https://civilsocietycooperation.net/dialogue-for-future-2023/#images and you can find even more imagery on Instagram: Visit our profile (https://www.instagram.com/future_in_dialogue/) or search for the hashtag #DFF2023.
  • Armin Wolf First Impressions from #DFF2023Please visit our Instagram Account for some frist visual impressions from the conference: https://www.instagram.com/future_in_dialogue/
  • Armin Wolf Livestream updateThe livestream will start Monday 18th at 9.45h and will be available at https://civilsocietycooperation.net/dialogue-for-future-2023/#livestream - feel free to share the link!
  • Armin Wolf Program HighlightsWhile the last details of the program are still being fine-tuned, the highlights are already set: https://civilsocietycooperation.net/dialogue-for-future-2023/#program
  • Armin Wolf Livestream from the ConferenceDear Members, I am pleased to inform you that we plan to livestream the conference days on September 18 & 19. Further details on access and availability will follow in the coming days.
  • Armin Wolf Inside #DFF2023Welcome to Dialogue for Future 2023! - please visit the [confernce website](https://civilsocietycooperation.net/dialogue-for-future-2023) for all details - [full programme](https://cloud.wechange.de/s/BAj8N8n4nmSNNB4) (subject to change) - [overview speakers & workshop hosts](https://civilsocietycooperation.net/dialogue-for-future-2023/#speaker) - follow us on [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/future_in_dialogue/) for additional updates
  • Dialogue for Future 2023
  • Ielyzaveta Badanova
  • Nataliia Revutska
  • Citizen Energy for Ukraine
  • Helmut Wolman Photos from the ConfereceDear Participants! Thank you for your Participation. It was really motivating to see this crowd of people working for a way to live in peace and democracy. We have just got all the pictures, and they are really beautiful! You find all pictures in the Cloud here in our Group: https://nc.civilsocietycooperation.net/index.php/f/71714 (you need to login) Have fun your conference Team
  • Helmut Wolman Livestream startedAmazing speakers and activists share their work and stragies on fighting fake news and propaganda. Truth is the fundamental need to gain freedom and prosecute war criminals. You are welcome to follow our livestream on https://civilsocietycooperation.net/conference-2022/ Please post and share it in your networks by using the Hashtag #DFF2022 - https://mastodon.social/tags/DFF2022 - https://twitter.com/hashtag/DFF2022 - https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/dff2022/ - https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/DFF2022/
  • Ilona Zubrytska
  • Helmut Wolman Livestream availiableWe will offer a live-stream on November 28 and 29th on this page: https://civilsocietycooperation.net/conference-2022/ Only Keynotes, Panel Discussions and Fishbowl Discussions will be streamed. Not the Small-Groups or Workshops. Check out the program about the correct times.
  • Rudi Piwko
  • Olena Kondratiuk
  • Michael Unterhalt
  • Kateryna Sokolova
  • Helmut Wolman Networking conference "Dialogue for Future 2022" is commingAllready around 200 activists from the civil society of eastern Europe, France and Germany have applied for the annual wechange conference this year around "**Building resilient civil societies and defending democracies in the EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood**". The wechange-conference-team has already setup a [bautiful program](https://civilsocietycooperation.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Dialog-for-future-2022-v3.pdf), most of the high-level speakers have already confirmed and we are now selecting the final participants from the list of applications. We hope to create a beautiful and rich conference with around 10 people from each of the following countries: * Asia - Armenia * Asia - Azerbaijan * Asia - Georgia * Europe - Austria * Europe - Belarus * Europe - France * Europe - Germany * Europe - Moldova * Europe - Poland * Europe - Russia * Europe - Ukraine The topics are all around the role of civil society in preserving democracy and the rule of law in the time of violence, militarization and war with Panels on: - Alliances of civil societies beyond the borders: Forms, tools and effectiveness of joint action - Strengthening Ukraine in the reconstruction, modernization and European integration triad: Approaches for international partners and donors - Transformation of civil society in times of war and violence - IT-security, data safety and digitalization of civil society organizations - Psychological resilience of civil society in times of war - Sustainable crisis management and communication for civil society actors - Developing resilience against hostile disinformation, societal polarization and harmful radicalization - The End of the Empire of Lies: Limits of Russian Propaganda - Russian imperial ambition derailing: consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine for the Eastern Partnership Region and the EU Further details can be found in the [attached Program](https://civilsocietycooperation.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Dialog-for-future-2022-v3.pdf). We want to promote stable partnerships through new projects and therefore offer lots of space for exchange, new ideas and inform about in detail about the possibilities of this online plattform for collaboration and about the application process for the funding program "Expanding cooperation with civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia" We are looking forward to see everybody soon!
  • Bob Maahe Turyatunga
  • Joachim Winters
  • Julia Eichhofer Selection of best project ideas: "RePower Green UA"Dear all! We congratulate the participants of the online course **"Designing PV stations using professional software"**, which finished last week! The online course was created by the NGO "Agency for Sustainable Development "SYNERGY" within the framework of the Ukrainian-German project Repower Green Ukraine "Energy Transition 2022", implemented by the cooperative WECHANGE eG in cooperation with the NGO "Ecoclub" with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of the course was to learn practical skills in designing sustainable energy solutions for small architectural forms for self-consumption (off-grid technologies) for IDPs. Thus, the course participants developed their projects of **autonomous green tiny houses** for persons, forcefully displaced after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And we are very much looking to seeing these innovative projects and ideas! On **November 3, 2022**, all projects will be presented to an independent jury. We will tell you more about these ideas later. Last but not least, best-selected participants will get valuable surprises! Stay tuned and connected. Best, Julia Eichhofer Project coordinator Wechange eG
  • Helmut Wolman Funding: Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia* Apply with a draft till 21. October * You need a German organisation and one from Oestern European Countries (former soviet countries) or France * Min. 50.000 € funding for international collaboration, travels and exchange formats **>> Full Call for Application attached in all Languages!** The programme "Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia" (Eastern Partnership programme) enables civil-society organisations to play their part as key stakeholders and important partners of governance. What is more, it allows them to support the ongoing transformation processes in these countries. The Federal Government supports measures that establish or expand durable civil-society cooperation structures between stakeholders from Germany and the Eastern Partnership countries or Russia. The focus here is on cooperation and the equitable distribution of labour between the German and foreign project partners. This spans the entire range of cultural and education policy projects (with a focus on media, academia, education including vocational training, culture, language and work with young people) **Our main interest is the preservation and, at the same time, reconstruction of democrati cally oriented civil-society structures, above all in Ukraine – including those in temporary exile.** ### Objectives 1. Strengthening pluralism and resilience – in order to promote pluralism of opinion and the media and to tackle disinformation. 2. Promoting the discussion of values and human rights – with a view to deepening mutual understanding. 3. Creating future prospects and democratic transformation – to strengthen democracies, tackle corruption, support the process of EU accession and to facilitate individual educational opportunities. 4. Supporting dialogue and rapprochement – confidence-building measures for overcoming regional conflicts in the future. #### In the funding year 2023, projects focusing on one of the following objectives will be given priority in the selection process: **Counteracting disinformation programmes and false narratives** - This includes projects that counteract disinformation campaigns and fake news, promote media literacy on the part of non-digital natives and foster independent consumption of media. **Climate change education and sustainability** - This includes projects that contribute to the creation of an overall social awareness of the climate crisis, that network climate activists, make their voices heard and thus enshrine the issue of sustainability in the civil societies of the countries involved in the project. **Support for and networking of women** - This includes projects that raise awareness of women’s social engagement and their networking with other civil-society stakeholders. As part of a feminist foreign policy, it is important to the Federal Government to involve all population groups in political decision-making processes. This also applies to the ongoing unsatisfactory representation of women both inside and outside the political sphere. **Supporting Ukrainian civil society via Youth for Europe** - This includes support in temporary exile as well as the (re-)construction and digitalisation of civil-society structures in the country of origin. With a view to supporting the EU accession efforts of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, we will support projects that help to tackle corruption and promote democracy. - Exchange formats and measures supporting encounters between young people with a focus on Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, are another priority. **Supporting democratic Russian and Belarussian civil society** - This applies to projects with Russian and Belarussian civil society that are committed to a democratic, liberal foundation of shared values. **Feminist foreign policy: vulnerable groups, rural areas** - This includes projects that work with vulnerable civil-society stakeholders and vulnerable groups, such as children and young people, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ individuals. - Projects that have an impact outside urban agglomerations/in rural areas are also part of this. ### How To Apply Project outlines (in German or English) can be submitted from 20 September to 21 October 2022 exclusively via the website http://oepr.diplo.de #### Support by WECHANGE.de 1. WECHANGE has prepared a form with the most relevant questions for your Project Draft: https://community.civilsocietycooperation.net/group/forum/document/suggested-form-for-funding-drafts 2. You should [create a Project on this plattform](https://community.civilsocietycooperation.net/projects/add/), open a Pad in your new project and copy the form into your pad, so you can work together with your Partners! 3. If you are looking for German Partners, Check out the Map on [our Plattform](https://community.civilsocietycooperation.net/map/?q=&people=true&events=true&projects=true&groups=true&ideas=true&conferences=true&cloudfiles=false&ne_lat=54.68653&ne_lon=17.79785&sw_lat=46.28622&sw_lon=2.79053), on [wechange.de](https://wechange.de/map/?q=&people=true&events=true&projects=true&groups=true&ideas=true&conferences=true&cloudfiles=false&exchange=1&ne_lat=55.4913&ne_lon=18.39111&sw_lat=46.10371&sw_lon=1.62598) and the [Map of Tomorrow](https://www.kartevonmorgen.org/m/main?c=50.9377%2C8.4814&z=6.00). If you have described your idea in the suggested form, wechange is also willing to hlep you to finde partners. We summarized the Funding Programm here: https://civilsocietycooperation.net/about-the-programme/ #### Support by the Forein Ministry - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and technical issues: Ms Lena Graziano: +49 (0)30 1817 2148 / 601-2-1@diplo.de - Republic of Moldova, Ukraine: Ms Julia Luther: +49 (0)30 1817 4272 / 601-2-4@diplo.de - Russia: Mr Daniel Demele: +49 (0)30 1817 97104 / daniel.demele@diplo.de
  • Paul F. Langer
  • Dialogue for Future 2022
  • Sustainable Deveopment Agency Synergy
  • Civil Society Energy 2022