• until 18:00 o'clock (Europe/Berlin)

  • We connect communities and stand up for political change in the interaction of digitalisation and sustainability. Support the movement with your contribtion to the conference.

    After the successful Bits & Bäume Conference in 2018 the topics of digitalisation and sustainability are more present than ever within our society. For the purpose of achieving a fair and sustainable design of our world as well as our environment we are facing big societal and global challenges. That‘s why we want to stabilse and extend the collaboration between environmental- and social justice activists, technical experts and human rights activists via the conference Bits & Bäume 2022 which will take place from September 30th until October 2nd. In order to find common solutions for the pressing questions of our time one of our main goals is to initiate networking opportunities for communities and representatives of socially and ecologically oriented small companies, start-ups and founders. We want to discuss major political strategies and governance proposals, but also learn from each other through best practice examples on how to achieve climate and environmental protection, social justice, democracy and fundamental rights in our digital age.

    __Check out the scedule: https://pretalx.com/bitsundbaeume/schedule/

    Wechange contribution

    There are many more english sessions!

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