Map of civil society energy projects

We started mapping energy cooperatives and civil society energy initiatives and fournd 45 intresting examples so far. But 41 of them are in Germany. We found only three in Ukraine and none in Poland.

Visit the map here
You are invited to add more initiatives to the map, if you know some.

That is the reason for our exchange-program CivilSocietyEnergy2021. If you know an initiative for renewable energies, or if you are intrested in that there will be more, then join this event series and apply as soon as possible. (Dealine moved to 30. June)

On July 1st will be our first meeting with energy enthusiasts from Ukraine, Poland and Germany online. WECHANGEs Vision is to connect people for social-ecological change, and in this project we have experienced supporters from Ecoclub Rivne (Ukraine) and FEWE (Poland)

We are looking forward to see more projects popping up on the map in all three countries and to see you next Thursday!

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