Showing 32 of 32 results for your query "AA"

  • EvaaorVC EvaxlkVC
  • Paata Alaverdashvili
  • Bob Maahe Turyatunga
  • Caunov Ghenadii Invitation to the final conference “Media, Opinion-Forming, Human Rights” with 14 human rights representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and RussiaFriday, 6. December 2019, 10.00 – 13.00 (afterwards lunch) in Frankfurt/M. (Saalbau-Volkshaus-Enkheim, Borsigallee 40) The German section of the International Society for Human Rights is taking part for the fifth time this year in the framework program of the German Foreign Office to strengthen cooperation with civil society in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Russia, EaP/R. []( Приглашениe на заключительную конференцию «Средства массовой информации, формирование мнения, права человека» с участием 14 правозащитных активистов из Армении, Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии, Молдовы, Украины и России. 6 декабря 2019 г., 10.00 – 13.00 (после обеда) во Франкфурте-на-Майне (Saalbau-Volkshaus-Enkheim, улица Borsigallee, 40). Немецкая секция Международного общества прав человека уже пятый год принимает участие в рамочной программе МИД Германии по укреплению сотрудничества с гражданским обществом в странах Восточного партнёрства (Армения, Азербайджан, Беларусь, Грузия, Молдова, Украина) и России (далее – ВПР).
  • Caunov Ghenadii Invitation to the final conference “Media, Opinion-Forming, Human Rights” with 14 human rights representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and RussiaFriday, 6. December 2019, 10.00 – 13.00 (afterwards lunch) in Frankfurt/M. (Saalbau-Volkshaus-Enkheim, Borsigallee 40) The German section of the International Society for Human Rights is taking part for the fifth time this year in the framework program of the German Foreign Office to strengthen cooperation with civil society in the countries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Russia, EaP/R. []( Приглашениe на заключительную конференцию «Средства массовой информации, формирование мнения, права человека» с участием 14 правозащитных активистов из Армении, Азербайджана, Беларуси, Грузии, Молдовы, Украины и России. 6 декабря 2019 г., 10.00 – 13.00 (после обеда) во Франкфурте-на-Майне (Saalbau-Volkshaus-Enkheim, улица Borsigallee, 40). Немецкая секция Международного общества прав человека уже пятый год принимает участие в рамочной программе МИД Германии по укреплению сотрудничества с гражданским обществом в странах Восточного партнёрства (Армения, Азербайджан, Беларусь, Грузия, Молдова, Украина) и России (далее – ВПР).
  • Claudia Neubert Ausschreibung DolmetscherInnen Rumänisch/ Deutsch# Wir suchen zwei DolmetscherInnen für die rumänisch-deutsche/ deutsch-rumänische Sprachmittlung während des Aufenthalts moldauischer Projektteilnehmer zum Thema Inklusion in Berlin **Einsendeschluss: 15. Dezember 2019** Im Rahmen des Projekts *„Stark in Vielfalt. Verwendung des Index für Inklusion“* sucht das *Kinderhilfswerk ChildFund Deutschland e.V.* zwei DolmetscherInnen für die rumänisch-deutsche/ deutsch-rumänische Sprachmittlung für den **Zeitraum 31.03.2020 – 2.04.2020** und **12.05.2020 – 14.05.2020** zur **Begleitung zweier moldauischer Gruppen** von je 10 Personen bei Treffen **zum Thema Inklusion in Berlin und Umgebung**. *ChildFund Deutschland e.V.* ist eine deutsche Nichtregierungsorganisation, die sich in der internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit engagiert. Sie setzt sich dafür ein, sozial schwachen, behinderten oder anderweitig benachteiligten und in Not geratenen Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie deren Familien zu helfen und ihre Zukunftschancen zu verbessern. In der Republik Moldau ist sie seit 2004 aktiv und setzt sich neben dem Kinderschutz für die Förderung von Inklusion im Bildungsbereich sowie für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung ein. Das genannte Projekt wird vom *Auswärtigen Amt* gefördert und von *ChildFund Deutschland* gemeinsam mit der moldauischen NGO *CCF Moldova – Children, Communities, Families* in der Republik Moldau in den Projektgebieten Strășeni und Sângerei implementiert. Das Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Kapazitäten zur Inklusion von Kindern mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund zu stärken – ob ethnisch, mit Behinderung oder bezüglich ihres sozialen Status. Es vermittelt in den beiden moldauischen Projektgebieten anhand des Index für Inklusion 14 Schulen Fähigkeiten zur Selbstbewertung, Planung und Umsetzung inklusiver Kulturen, Richtlinien und Praktiken und gibt ihnen damit erprobte Werkzeuge an die Hand, die helfen, eine wertschätzende Kultur zu etablieren, von der SchülerInnen, LehrerInnen und Eltern profitieren. Es arbeitet dabei eng mit dem moldauischen Bildungsministerium, der nationalen Bildungsbehörde ANACEC und den lokalen Bildungsabteilungen der Projektgebiete zusammen. VertreterInnen letzterer sowie LehrerInnen der Projektschulen und Projektmitarbeiter werden zu den genannten Terminen nach Berlin reisen, um die deutsche inklusive Bildungspraxis kennenzulernen und daraus Erkenntnisse für den moldauischen Kontext abzuleiten. Pro Reise werden je 10 TeilnehmerInnen an drei Tagen unterschiedliche Treffen mit Schulämtern, integrativen Schulen und Kitas sowie mit inklusiven Unternehmen und NGOs im Bildungsbereich in Berlin sowie in der näheren Umgebung absolvieren. Für die rumänisch-deutsche/ deutsch-rumänische Sprachmittlung dieser beiden Studienreisen suchen wir zwei DolmetscherInnen für die rumänische und deutsche Sprache, die für die Gruppe an **insgesamt sechs Arbeitstagen vom 31.03.2020 – 2.04.2020 und 12.05.2020 – 14.05.2020 simultan dolmetschen** werden (es ist auch möglich, Angebote für einen der beiden Zeiträume einzureichen, bevorzugt werden aber Einreichende, die den vollen Zeitraum abdecken können). **Voraussetzungen:** • Nachweis einer abgeschlossenen Ausbildung zur DolmetscherIn und ÜbersetzerIn oder einer staatlichen Prüfung in den Sprachen Rumänisch und Deutsch; • Fundierte Arbeitserfahrung in der mündlichen Sprachmittlung sowie im simultanen Dolmetschen von Diskussionen und Gesprächen in beide Sprachrichtungen rumänisch-deutsch sowie deutsch-rumänisch (mit Einsatz von Personenführungsanlagen); • Erfahrung mit dem Thema Inklusion ist von Vorteil; Ein gültiges Angebot muss unterschrieben (eingescannt) sein und folgende Angaben enthalten: • Kontaktinformation • Vollständige Aufstellung von Kosten und Honorar • Lebenslauf und Angaben zu Qualifikation und Erfahrung • Referenzen Wir freuen uns über Ihre Angebote per E-Mail an Frau Claudia Neubert ( bis zum 15. Dezember 2019. Claudia Neubert Projektkoordination Östliche Partnerschaft ChildFund Deutschland e.V. Körtestr. 10 (c/o Lime Flavour) 10967 Berlin Mail: Tel.: 030 61657493 ChildFund Deutschland e.V. Laiblinstegstr. 7
 72622 Nürtingen
 Fax: 070 22 9259-44 Homepage: 
 Facebook: Youtube:
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Матеріали відкритої менторської сесії Ксенії Дітчук "Як говорити про проєкт, щоб вас почули інвестори й потенційні партнери"1. Відеозапис відкритої менторської сесії Ксенії Дітчук "Як говорити про проєкт, щоб вас почули інвестори й потенційні партнери" можна переглянути за посиланням 2. Презентація Ксенії Дітчук за посиланням
  • Helmut Wolman Map of civil society energy projectsWe started mapping energy cooperatives and civil society energy initiatives and fournd 45 intresting examples so far. But 41 of them are in Germany. We found only three in Ukraine and none in Poland. [Visit the map here](,9.338&zoom=5.00&search=%23civilsocietyenergy2021) You are invited to add more initiatives to the map, if you know some. [![](](,9.338&zoom=5.00&search=%23civilsocietyenergy2021) That is the reason for our exchange-program **CivilSocietyEnergy2021**. If you know an initiative for renewable energies, or if you are intrested in that there will be more, then join this event series and [apply as soon as possible]( (Dealine moved to 30. June) On July 1st will be our first meeting with energy enthusiasts from Ukraine, Poland and Germany [online]( WECHANGEs Vision is to connect people for social-ecological change, and in this project we have experienced supporters from Ecoclub Rivne (Ukraine) and FEWE (Poland) We are looking forward to see more projects popping up on the map in all three countries and to see you next Thursday!
  • Helga Melnik Impact podcast and impact week! Join us!📢 Impact podcast and impact week! This Thursday, Friday and Saturday - project meetings with interesting people! all meetings at 20-00 Kyiv time 📌21.09.23 - European public communications. Basic Anton Shynkaruk Urban Creativity & Innovations 📌22.09.23 - Strategic communications of Ukraine: the first 100 days of our Victory (2022) Bogdan Yuskiv Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences 📌23.09.23 - How to turn a hobby into a business. Audiobooks: from idea to creation, step-by-step instruction. Ruslan Aleksiyuk Author and project manager of Audiobooks in Ukrainian - Studio Kalidor 🔗
  • VeronaztoHJ VeronayqtHJ
  • Inken Marei Kolthoff Publikationen auf WECHANGELiebe Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter im ÖPR-Programm, sicherlich erstellen viele zum Ende des Projektjahres 2016 Publikationen, mit denen Sie Ihre wichtigsten Ergebnisse dokumentieren und einem größeren Publikum zugänglich machen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie diese auch in unserer ÖPR-Gruppe hochladen würden, um einen besseren Austausch untereinander zu ermöglichen. Einen entsprechenden Ordner mit dem Titel "Publikationen 2016" habe ich bereits erstellt. Sie finden ihn bei den Dateien. Vielen Dank und beste Grüße Inken Kolthoff
  • Helga Melnik Online course "Human rights based approach in citizenship education curricula"Eastern European Association for Citizenship Education invites you to an online course “*Human* *rights* *based* *approach* (HRBA) *in* *citizenship* *education* (CE) *curricula*”, which will be held on **20** **September** – **1** **November**. Participation in the event is **free** of charge. ***Languages***: The meetings will be held in Ukrainian, Belarussian or Russian, with simulation translation into English. ***Course*** ***Topics*** (19.00-20.30 UTC/GMT +3): 20.09: Introduction and methodology of HRBA in СЕ; 27.09: Universality of HRBA and CE competencies; 04.10: Indivisibility as a principle of CE/HRBA; 11.10: Equality and non-discrimination as a part of HRBA in CE; 18.10: Participation as a common principle of CE and HRBA; 25.10: Accountability as an instrument of HRBA in CE; 01.11: Final meeting. ***Platform***: Zoom Participants throughout the course will be invited to attend each webinar, and there will also be a separate public announcement for those who wish to attend only the specific webinar. After online course YOU will 📌 increase applying of HRBA and its components in your CE programs; 📌 get the ideas on how to change your own CE program taking into account HRBA; 📌 took a chance to share practices and values of HRBA. Participants who took active part in all meetings will receive an international certificate acknowledging their participation and learning free of charge! ❗How to participate? Fill out a short application form by September 20: For additional questions, please contact
  • Yuliya Kazhan
  • Helmut Wolman New Funding for Eastern Europa Cooperation ProjectsNew Funding round: Apply till 8th Novmeber! Dear representatives of the civil society, In the past, you expressed an interest in expanding **cooperation with civil society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia** with the support of the Federal Foreign Office. This makes you one of the many civil-society actors who have impressively proven their commitment to this region by submitting around 5,500 project ideas and implementing over 2000 projects worth more than 160 million euros in the last eight years. Given the **ongoing process of transformation and integration**, your initiatives are playing an important role in strengthening and supporting the region and, in accordance with the motto “foreign policy of societies”, are a prime example how the Federal Foreign Office is enhancing civil society cooperation. We presume that the German Bundestag will endorse this engagement again in 2025 and provide funding. To give you more time to implement your projects, we want to start the procedure to select and authorise your projects for 2025 without delay. Please find more information on the aims and purpose of the programme and this year’s priorities attached. You can download translations in the respective languages in a few days on our website. Since we expect great interest on the part of civil society to implement their own projects to expand cooperation with civil society in the aforementioned countries, the Federal Foreign Office would like to give you the opportunity again in 2025 to find out whether or not your project idea is likely to receive support. Therefore, please submit your project idea. **Project outlines can be submitted from 14 October up until 9 November 2024. To submit a summary, please re-register on this website (also starting 14 October 2024):** Please note that all users must re-register. You cannot use your log-in details from last year. Project outlines that are submitted in any other way can unfortunately not be taken into account. We would highly appreciate if you could forward this email to other interested parties. We look forward to receiving your project ideas! Best regards Yours Mr. Fabien Ness: 030 1817 1376 / Ms. Julia Luther: 030 1817 4272 / Ms. Mariette Pfister: 030 1817 7975 / Mr. Daniel Demele: 030 184730 14101 / Werderscher Markt 1 – D-10117 Berlin email:
  • Viktoriia Vostriakova Інформація для участі у півфіналі HACKATHON RE_ENERGIZE UKRAINE 2024Шановні учасники та учасниці! Вас вітає команда ГО АСР СИНЕРГІЯ! Щиро дякуємо вам за те, що долучилися до відкритих меторських сесій минулого тижня. Прохання уважно ознайомитися з інформацією надісланою у даному листі! Принагідно нагадуємо, що дедлайн завантаження презентацій проєктних ідей - 22.09.2024 о 12.00 за Київським часом, а уже орієнтовно 23-24.09.2024 відбудеться відбір до фіналу Хакатону команд, які отримають можливість індивідуального менторського супроводу від експерток проєкту. Посилання для завантаження презентацій для півфіналу на платформу Civil Society Cooperation тут За даним посиланням у вас є дозвіл лише для завантаження відповідного файлу, без права перегляду. Після завантаження презентації прохання повідомити координаторів проєкту про це, аби ми могли перевірити наявність файлу. Зробити це можна у групі Телеграм ( або електронною поштою Прохання завантажити презентацію у форматі PDF з назвою команди (як зазначено в реєстраційній формі) та прізвищем лідера команди (пр. Солар лайт_Іванов). Шаблон презентації за посиланням Завантажте його для створення свого дизайну проєкту. Шаблон презентації підготовлено відповідно до вимог завдання менторок та погоджено з ними. Презентація повинна містити основні розділи додані до шаблону, однак може бути доповнена або модифікована відповідно до потреб проєкту. Завтра усім учасникам проєкту буде надіслано відео інструкцію по роботі з фінансовою моделлю для розрахунку фінансових показників проєкту. Також на основну сторінку мікросайту Хакатону на платформі Civil Society Cooperation буде розміщено усі основні матеріали Хакатону у розділі новини та в Хмарі. Сьогодні лідери команд отримали персональні запрошення на електронну пошту долучитися до платформи. Перегляньте також папку спам. Після проходження реєстрації ви матимете доступ до усієї актуальної інформації Хакатону. За бажанням запит на приєднання можуть надіслати і інші члени команди. Для бажаючих отримати додаткову консультацію від менторок прохання заповнити форму реєстрації на групові менторські консультації до 18.09.2024 за посиланням Консультації буде проведено у форматі запитання-відповідь у четвер-п'ятницю поточного тижня. Шановні учасники, успіхів вам! Чекаємо на ваші креативні проєкти "зелених" енергетичних спільнот. З будь-якими додатковими запитаннями звертайтеся за адресою
  • Paul F. Langer
  • Олександр Новицький
  • Mariam Avakova Join Mariam's Crowdfunding Campaign Mission: Empowering My Educational JourneyHello, dear Community, I am **Mariam from Georgia,** a participant in Dialogue for Future 2023 and an active member of the WeChange Platform. True to the spirit of our community, I am reaching out to ask for your support in favor of a determined young professional from Tbilisi, seeking additional financial support to pursue my education at the esteemed Hertie School **I've secured a 50% scholarship and launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover tuition and living expenses. ** I am writing to you with both hesitation and hope. Join My **** Crowdfunding Campaign Mission****: Empowering My Educational Journey My campaign aims to support my educational pursuit at the** Hertie School in Berlin**. By contributing, you're not just investing in my future but also fostering progress and knowledge exchange on a global scale from Georgia. Refer to the following Platforms for more information Here are the platforms where you can support: USA GoFundMe: Support Mariam's Educational Journey[]( **German** Platform BetterPlace: Unterstütze Mariams Weg an die Hertie School []( I still have a long journey ahead to achieve my goal. Every bit of support, no matter how small, is incredibly meaningful and makes a difference. It's all about the collective effort towards a common goal. Thank you for your support! Your contribution, big or small, will be crucial in helping me achieve this significant milestone. Each donation, whether it's $20, $30, $50, or more, brings me closer to my goal Thank you to those who have already donated, your selfless support is truly appreciated. P.S. I am seeking potential sponsors and investors to consider supporting me by donating to my fundraiser or spreading the word within your network. Your generosity will empower me to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. Let's keep moving forward! Keep pushing forward! Warm regards, Mariam Avakova #EducationFundraiser #SupportEducation #GoFundMeCampaign
  • Ilona Zubrytska
  • Helmut Wolman
  • Sabrina Bellenzier
  • Helmut Wolman Funding: Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia* Apply with a draft till 21. October * You need a German organisation and one from Oestern European Countries (former soviet countries) or France * Min. 50.000 € funding for international collaboration, travels and exchange formats **>> Full Call for Application attached in all Languages!** The programme "Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia" (Eastern Partnership programme) enables civil-society organisations to play their part as key stakeholders and important partners of governance. What is more, it allows them to support the ongoing transformation processes in these countries. The Federal Government supports measures that establish or expand durable civil-society cooperation structures between stakeholders from Germany and the Eastern Partnership countries or Russia. The focus here is on cooperation and the equitable distribution of labour between the German and foreign project partners. This spans the entire range of cultural and education policy projects (with a focus on media, academia, education including vocational training, culture, language and work with young people) **Our main interest is the preservation and, at the same time, reconstruction of democrati cally oriented civil-society structures, above all in Ukraine – including those in temporary exile.** ### Objectives 1. Strengthening pluralism and resilience – in order to promote pluralism of opinion and the media and to tackle disinformation. 2. Promoting the discussion of values and human rights – with a view to deepening mutual understanding. 3. Creating future prospects and democratic transformation – to strengthen democracies, tackle corruption, support the process of EU accession and to facilitate individual educational opportunities. 4. Supporting dialogue and rapprochement – confidence-building measures for overcoming regional conflicts in the future. #### In the funding year 2023, projects focusing on one of the following objectives will be given priority in the selection process: **Counteracting disinformation programmes and false narratives** - This includes projects that counteract disinformation campaigns and fake news, promote media literacy on the part of non-digital natives and foster independent consumption of media. **Climate change education and sustainability** - This includes projects that contribute to the creation of an overall social awareness of the climate crisis, that network climate activists, make their voices heard and thus enshrine the issue of sustainability in the civil societies of the countries involved in the project. **Support for and networking of women** - This includes projects that raise awareness of women’s social engagement and their networking with other civil-society stakeholders. As part of a feminist foreign policy, it is important to the Federal Government to involve all population groups in political decision-making processes. This also applies to the ongoing unsatisfactory representation of women both inside and outside the political sphere. **Supporting Ukrainian civil society via Youth for Europe** - This includes support in temporary exile as well as the (re-)construction and digitalisation of civil-society structures in the country of origin. With a view to supporting the EU accession efforts of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, we will support projects that help to tackle corruption and promote democracy. - Exchange formats and measures supporting encounters between young people with a focus on Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, are another priority. **Supporting democratic Russian and Belarussian civil society** - This applies to projects with Russian and Belarussian civil society that are committed to a democratic, liberal foundation of shared values. **Feminist foreign policy: vulnerable groups, rural areas** - This includes projects that work with vulnerable civil-society stakeholders and vulnerable groups, such as children and young people, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ individuals. - Projects that have an impact outside urban agglomerations/in rural areas are also part of this. ### How To Apply Project outlines (in German or English) can be submitted from 20 September to 21 October 2022 exclusively via the website #### Support by 1. WECHANGE has prepared a form with the most relevant questions for your Project Draft: 2. You should [create a Project on this plattform](, open a Pad in your new project and copy the form into your pad, so you can work together with your Partners! 3. If you are looking for German Partners, Check out the Map on [our Plattform](, on []( and the [Map of Tomorrow]( If you have described your idea in the suggested form, wechange is also willing to hlep you to finde partners. We summarized the Funding Programm here: #### Support by the Forein Ministry - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and technical issues: Ms Lena Graziano: +49 (0)30 1817 2148 / - Republic of Moldova, Ukraine: Ms Julia Luther: +49 (0)30 1817 4272 / - Russia: Mr Daniel Demele: +49 (0)30 1817 97104 /