As the funding for this portal has ended, it will be switched off on 31 January 2025. Please back up all your data that you still need. You are welcome to use to continue working together in groups and projects.

Funding: Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia

  • Apply with a draft till 21. October
  • You need a German organisation and one from Oestern European Countries (former soviet countries) or France
  • Min. 50.000 € funding for international collaboration, travels and exchange formats

>> Full Call for Application attached in all Languages!

The programme "Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia" (Eastern Partnership programme) enables civil-society organisations to play their part as key stakeholders and important partners of governance. What is more, it allows them to support the ongoing transformation processes in these countries. The Federal Government supports measures that establish or expand durable civil-society cooperation structures between stakeholders from Germany and the Eastern Partnership countries or Russia. The focus here is on cooperation and the equitable distribution of labour between the German and foreign project partners. This spans the entire range of cultural and education policy projects (with a focus on media, academia, education including vocational training, culture, language and work with young people)
Our main interest is the preservation and, at the same time, reconstruction of democrati cally oriented civil-society structures, above all in Ukraine – including those in temporary exile.


  1. Strengthening pluralism and resilience – in order to promote pluralism of opinion and the media and to tackle disinformation.
  2. Promoting the discussion of values and human rights – with a view to deepening mutual understanding.
  3. Creating future prospects and democratic transformation – to strengthen democracies, tackle corruption, support the process of EU accession and to facilitate individual educational opportunities.
  4. Supporting dialogue and rapprochement – confidence-building measures for overcoming regional conflicts in the future.

In the funding year 2023, projects focusing on one of the following objectives will be given priority in the selection process:

Counteracting disinformation programmes and false narratives

  • This includes projects that counteract disinformation campaigns and fake news, promote media literacy on the part of non-digital natives and foster independent consumption of media.
    Climate change education and sustainability
  • This includes projects that contribute to the creation of an overall social awareness of the climate crisis, that network climate activists, make their voices heard and thus enshrine the issue of sustainability in the civil societies of the countries involved in the project.
    Support for and networking of women
  • This includes projects that raise awareness of women’s social engagement and their networking with other civil-society stakeholders. As part of a feminist foreign policy, it is important to the Federal Government to involve all population groups in political decision-making processes. This also applies to the ongoing unsatisfactory representation of women both inside and outside the political sphere.
    Supporting Ukrainian civil society via Youth for Europe
  • This includes support in temporary exile as well as the (re-)construction and digitalisation of civil-society structures in the country of origin. With a view to supporting the EU accession efforts of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, we will support projects that help to tackle corruption and promote democracy.
  • Exchange formats and measures supporting encounters between young people with a focus on Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, are another priority.
    Supporting democratic Russian and Belarussian civil society
  • This applies to projects with Russian and Belarussian civil society that are committed to a democratic, liberal foundation of shared values.
    Feminist foreign policy: vulnerable groups, rural areas
  • This includes projects that work with vulnerable civil-society stakeholders and vulnerable groups, such as children and young people, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ individuals.
  • Projects that have an impact outside urban agglomerations/in rural areas are also part of this.

How To Apply

Project outlines (in German or English) can be submitted from 20 September to 21 October 2022 exclusively via the website

Support by

  1. WECHANGE has prepared a form with the most relevant questions for your Project Draft:
  2. You should create a Project on this plattform, open a Pad in your new project and copy the form into your pad, so you can work together with your Partners!
  3. If you are looking for German Partners, Check out the Map on our Plattform, on and the Map of Tomorrow. If you have described your idea in the suggested form, wechange is also willing to hlep you to finde partners.

We summarized the Funding Programm here:

Support by the Forein Ministry

  • Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and technical issues: Ms Lena Graziano: +49 (0)30 1817 2148 /
  • Republic of Moldova, Ukraine: Ms Julia Luther: +49 (0)30 1817 4272 /
  • Russia: Mr Daniel Demele: +49 (0)30 1817 97104 /
    1. 1 Comment
  • Helmut Wolman

    Correction to the first version: Initially we wrote "up to ~100.000 €" which was just based on my own experiences." The Foreign Ministry claryfied: There is no funding limit, but a minimum funding of 50.000 €.