Showing 50 of 72 results with topics: Climate Protection

  • Dialogue for Future 2022
  • Dialogue for Future 2023
  • Civil Society Energy 2022
  • Sustainable Deveopment Agency Synergy
  • Citizen Energy for Ukraine
  • Julia Eichhofer Selection of best project ideas: "RePower Green UA"Dear all! We congratulate the participants of the online course **"Designing PV stations using professional software"**, which finished last week! The online course was created by the NGO "Agency for Sustainable Development "SYNERGY" within the framework of the Ukrainian-German project Repower Green Ukraine "Energy Transition 2022", implemented by the cooperative WECHANGE eG in cooperation with the NGO "Ecoclub" with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany. The purpose of the course was to learn practical skills in designing sustainable energy solutions for small architectural forms for self-consumption (off-grid technologies) for IDPs. Thus, the course participants developed their projects of **autonomous green tiny houses** for persons, forcefully displaced after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. And we are very much looking to seeing these innovative projects and ideas! On **November 3, 2022**, all projects will be presented to an independent jury. We will tell you more about these ideas later. Last but not least, best-selected participants will get valuable surprises! Stay tuned and connected. Best, Julia Eichhofer Project coordinator Wechange eG
  • Helmut Wolman Funding: Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia* Apply with a draft till 21. October * You need a German organisation and one from Oestern European Countries (former soviet countries) or France * Min. 50.000 € funding for international collaboration, travels and exchange formats **>> Full Call for Application attached in all Languages!** The programme "Expanding Cooperation with Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia" (Eastern Partnership programme) enables civil-society organisations to play their part as key stakeholders and important partners of governance. What is more, it allows them to support the ongoing transformation processes in these countries. The Federal Government supports measures that establish or expand durable civil-society cooperation structures between stakeholders from Germany and the Eastern Partnership countries or Russia. The focus here is on cooperation and the equitable distribution of labour between the German and foreign project partners. This spans the entire range of cultural and education policy projects (with a focus on media, academia, education including vocational training, culture, language and work with young people) **Our main interest is the preservation and, at the same time, reconstruction of democrati cally oriented civil-society structures, above all in Ukraine – including those in temporary exile.** ### Objectives 1. Strengthening pluralism and resilience – in order to promote pluralism of opinion and the media and to tackle disinformation. 2. Promoting the discussion of values and human rights – with a view to deepening mutual understanding. 3. Creating future prospects and democratic transformation – to strengthen democracies, tackle corruption, support the process of EU accession and to facilitate individual educational opportunities. 4. Supporting dialogue and rapprochement – confidence-building measures for overcoming regional conflicts in the future. #### In the funding year 2023, projects focusing on one of the following objectives will be given priority in the selection process: **Counteracting disinformation programmes and false narratives** - This includes projects that counteract disinformation campaigns and fake news, promote media literacy on the part of non-digital natives and foster independent consumption of media. **Climate change education and sustainability** - This includes projects that contribute to the creation of an overall social awareness of the climate crisis, that network climate activists, make their voices heard and thus enshrine the issue of sustainability in the civil societies of the countries involved in the project. **Support for and networking of women** - This includes projects that raise awareness of women’s social engagement and their networking with other civil-society stakeholders. As part of a feminist foreign policy, it is important to the Federal Government to involve all population groups in political decision-making processes. This also applies to the ongoing unsatisfactory representation of women both inside and outside the political sphere. **Supporting Ukrainian civil society via Youth for Europe** - This includes support in temporary exile as well as the (re-)construction and digitalisation of civil-society structures in the country of origin. With a view to supporting the EU accession efforts of Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, we will support projects that help to tackle corruption and promote democracy. - Exchange formats and measures supporting encounters between young people with a focus on Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, are another priority. **Supporting democratic Russian and Belarussian civil society** - This applies to projects with Russian and Belarussian civil society that are committed to a democratic, liberal foundation of shared values. **Feminist foreign policy: vulnerable groups, rural areas** - This includes projects that work with vulnerable civil-society stakeholders and vulnerable groups, such as children and young people, people with disabilities and LGBTIQ individuals. - Projects that have an impact outside urban agglomerations/in rural areas are also part of this. ### How To Apply Project outlines (in German or English) can be submitted from 20 September to 21 October 2022 exclusively via the website #### Support by 1. WECHANGE has prepared a form with the most relevant questions for your Project Draft: 2. You should [create a Project on this plattform](, open a Pad in your new project and copy the form into your pad, so you can work together with your Partners! 3. If you are looking for German Partners, Check out the Map on [our Plattform](, on []( and the [Map of Tomorrow]( If you have described your idea in the suggested form, wechange is also willing to hlep you to finde partners. We summarized the Funding Programm here: #### Support by the Forein Ministry - Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Russia and technical issues: Ms Lena Graziano: +49 (0)30 1817 2148 / - Republic of Moldova, Ukraine: Ms Julia Luther: +49 (0)30 1817 4272 / - Russia: Mr Daniel Demele: +49 (0)30 1817 97104 /
  • Helmut Wolman Hybrid-Corona-Format: Hackathon close to Moscow and StuttgartThings do not change - WECHANGE! We can not solve the pandemie right now, nor the development of the Delta-Varian, but we can easily adjust our Program to a hybrid-format, where we all meet in our beautiful [conferencing center](! The decision was taken last week, that no Germany Participants will travel to Russia, because they won't find an health insurance and on their way back they might have to stay in quaranteen for 14 days. "No unnessesary trips are allowed" says the German Foreign Ministry, and as we are digital natives, we can just work online. I really think it is astonishing these days, that althoug we could not meet with Andrei and is SOL-Team in person, it still feels like a deep collaboration. After a preperational online-Session at the **2nd of August**, we will have two live meetings form the** 5th to the 8th of August**: * The German Team will meet in Stuttgart, where we see the base of our Hacker-Collective around []( * The Russian Team will stick to the [Kind-Land-Ecovillage](,40.562&zoom=4.00&search=kindland&dropdowns=kvm), where we initially all wanted to meet. Unfortunately, we will not be able to dance, sing and drink Vodka together ;) But the main pupose of our meeting will be possible: - SOL will present us their large network and how they create green and social Innovation in Russia. We will learn, how they analyse needs and problems to solve them as social entrepreneurs. - Karte von morgen and the Slowtec-Team with Navid and Markus will present the Mapping code, give and introduction into clean code and Rust. You will find out how the German Change-Movement is connected and how you can build digital and paper-Maps for your Region or network. As we have no big travels, we have more space for **Participants form Germany and Russia to join in**! We are looking for hackers as well as for activists form Change-Networks. Just joins this group and tell who you are and why you are joining! You can checkout our [Github-Board]( to see the first ideas. The attached Immage shows you our first draft of the program. I am happy to see you in less than a month. And Hopefully we are able to savely travel to some of the 10 Hackathons, that will take place with russian Networks between September and December in Russia. yours Helmut
  • Helmut Wolman The co-map Hackathon was amazingYesterday evening the 4 day Hackathon for the russian "map of tomorrow" ended with a teambuilding of both teams and a beautifule new map. The initially planned Hackathon with 30 people in the [Kindland-Ecovillage](,37.991&zoom=8.00) in the west of Moscow needed to be switched to an Hybrid format due to the corona-travel-restrictions, so 15 German Hackers and Mappers met in the [slowtec-Cohousing-Project](,9.163&zoom=6.00) in Stuttgart. Both teams where connected via the [open-source conferencing center]( run by wechange. ![]( The participants came from Russia, Belarus, Germany and one from Iran. A hackathon does not have a fix programm like any other conference but just a rough structure where the hackers can pic tasks and fulfill them. Every morning we met for an one hour update of the tasks and activities we did so people got oriented and we could priorize issues and build teams around them. Than we started hacking and every day you could feel how we dived deeper into issues, problems and came up with more and more solutions. In the last minute before the final presentation on sunday the new website is born: # []( Sunday evening both teams did rafting and climbing and enjoyed the shared succes. It was a beautiful experience together. Even we could not meet in person, thanks to the digital environments, the feeling of collaboration between the Russian and German hackers where amazing. Its such a beautiful feeling to see, that on both sides, people are investing they time to bring a tool closer to perfect and making the future more resilient. ![]( There is still a lot work going on, even after the Hackathon and people are finalizing [their issues]( The next step will be to organize 10 Mappathons in Russian cities, where we present the map to the change-movements and to the public and empower people to contribute mapping on this co-map! This colaboration should last forever ; ) yours Helmut from the organizing team
  • Helmut Wolman Mapping meetings in Moscow form 15th to 20th Nov.This is a bright Hello to all our Friends and Creators of the Next week from Mon. 15th to Sat. 20th of Nov. a delegation from the Germany partnerorganisations and is comming to Moscow to celebrate the start of the mapping movement for social innovative change and ecological entrepreneurship together with SOL! We will hold partnermeetings and public events for NGOs which are looking for visibility and Projects, that take care of a green city development. We are happy to meet you. Please drop us a message in whatever language you speak at Read more about our Project on our Blog: Your Co-Map-Team
  • Helmut Wolman Networking conference "Dialogue for Future 2022" is commingAllready around 200 activists from the civil society of eastern Europe, France and Germany have applied for the annual wechange conference this year around "**Building resilient civil societies and defending democracies in the EU and its Eastern Neighbourhood**". The wechange-conference-team has already setup a [bautiful program](, most of the high-level speakers have already confirmed and we are now selecting the final participants from the list of applications. We hope to create a beautiful and rich conference with around 10 people from each of the following countries: * Asia - Armenia * Asia - Azerbaijan * Asia - Georgia * Europe - Austria * Europe - Belarus * Europe - France * Europe - Germany * Europe - Moldova * Europe - Poland * Europe - Russia * Europe - Ukraine The topics are all around the role of civil society in preserving democracy and the rule of law in the time of violence, militarization and war with Panels on: - Alliances of civil societies beyond the borders: Forms, tools and effectiveness of joint action - Strengthening Ukraine in the reconstruction, modernization and European integration triad: Approaches for international partners and donors - Transformation of civil society in times of war and violence - IT-security, data safety and digitalization of civil society organizations - Psychological resilience of civil society in times of war - Sustainable crisis management and communication for civil society actors - Developing resilience against hostile disinformation, societal polarization and harmful radicalization - The End of the Empire of Lies: Limits of Russian Propaganda - Russian imperial ambition derailing: consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine for the Eastern Partnership Region and the EU Further details can be found in the [attached Program]( We want to promote stable partnerships through new projects and therefore offer lots of space for exchange, new ideas and inform about in detail about the possibilities of this online plattform for collaboration and about the application process for the funding program "Expanding cooperation with civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia" We are looking forward to see everybody soon!
  • Helmut Wolman Livestream availiableWe will offer a live-stream on November 28 and 29th on this page: Only Keynotes, Panel Discussions and Fishbowl Discussions will be streamed. Not the Small-Groups or Workshops. Check out the program about the correct times.
  • Helmut Wolman Livestream startedAmazing speakers and activists share their work and stragies on fighting fake news and propaganda. Truth is the fundamental need to gain freedom and prosecute war criminals. You are welcome to follow our livestream on Please post and share it in your networks by using the Hashtag #DFF2022 - - - -
  • Helmut Wolman Photos from the ConfereceDear Participants! Thank you for your Participation. It was really motivating to see this crowd of people working for a way to live in peace and democracy. We have just got all the pictures, and they are really beautiful! You find all pictures in the Cloud here in our Group: (you need to login) Have fun your conference Team
  • Armin Wolf Inside #DFF2023Welcome to Dialogue for Future 2023! - please visit the [confernce website]( for all details - [full programme]( (subject to change) - [overview speakers & workshop hosts]( - follow us on [Instagram]( for additional updates